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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Introduction to the Internet

If one were to ask a teenager what the Internet is, they probably wouldn’t even have to hesitate to think of an answer.  But try asking a middle age adult.  I bet that at least half of them either don’t know or respond with a wrong answer.  Ask the question again to the elderly and they may think you are swearing at them or something because they have no clue what that word is that just came out of your mouth.  Look for yourself at the statistical data in US Report: Internet Usage by Age.  

Courtesy of

So what exactly is the Internet?  The Internet is a network of computers that transmits information all around the world.  In today’s standards “computers” doesn’t just mean the hard drive, monitor and accessories that are “plugged in” to an electrical outlet in your home or business. The networks of computers that connect to the Internet include laptops, blackberries, iPhones and cell phones.

The Internet can be used for various reasons relating to personal use, school use or business use.   Some examples include research for a school paper, inquiry on a product or service, ordering items not available locally or sold cheaper somewhere else, looking up medical advice or possibly just surfing (browsing) for pleasure.  Today’s more modern technology even allows for banking online including paying monthly bills.  Because of its popularity and usefulness, the Internet is being introduced to children in schools at a relatively young age.  To get an overview of what your young one may be learning, the San Diego Public Library offers a short overview of modern technology. 

Big on the Internet scene is blogging.  A blog enables the user to post information to their blog site.  This information can be factual, like daily news or it can teach others about what you have read.  It allows one to write their opinions about basically everything and anything and it gives their audience a chance to respond by posting a comment.  Blogging is new to me and I’m not sure I am sold on it yet.  

There are many ways that one can connect to the Internet.  There is dial-up, digital subscriber line (DSL), cable and wireless.  Each method has its disadvantages and advantages.  And, of course, each one comes with a price tag.  Only the user can decide which method best suits his or her needs.  One can compare which would be the best fit, by going, where else, but on the Internet.

For some of us, the Internet seems like it has been around forever and that is the only way of life.  Although the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) (Shelly, 2010) first introduced the Internet in the early 1960’s, it took a long time to perfect and become popular to its users.  I grew up doing everything “manual”.  I went shopping at the store.  I cashed my checks at the bank.  I researched material in the library – yes the library.  Today’s students won’t even know what the inside of a library looks like.  Honestly though, I don’t know what I would do without the Internet.  It seems to be my salvation for everything.  How about you?  Would your world crumble if the Internet disappeared overnight?

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