I don’t know about you, but I depend a great deal on the internet. My husband laughs at me and makes a smart remark every time I go to Google something we were discussing. I can’t help it. With all the wealth of information that is available to you, why not take a second to look something up.
My favorite is when my husband is arguing with me about something. Normally we would have to wait to find out the answer while he would insist that he is right. With the help of the internet, I am able to prove him wrong and make him eat his words.
Think back to the day, when the local weather (and by local is was usually the weather at the airport) could be seen on the hour and on the half-hour. First of all, that was a long time to wait and if you missed it, you had to wait another half-hour. At least now The Weather Channel runs the weather updates constantly on one of their two channels, but even that is very generic to the area. The other downfall was the fact that the weather was based from a specific central location. Living 15 miles away from the airport, my weather can be totally different from that on the TV. With the help of the internet, I am able to customize by search for a specific area (usually by zip code or town).
Does anyone even know what a library is or where the closest one to them is? And yes, you could search to find out that info, but unless you really want to take out a specific book, why not research the internet? One needs to be careful that they use reputable sites, but one can access about everything (even books) on line including encyclopedias and dictionaries (Shelly, 2010). The good thing about this is that you can do your research in the comfort of your home and at a time that is convenient to you. If you are like me, I do a lot of my research and homework after the hours that a library would be open.
Doesn’t this make you want to start searching the internet and see what you can find?
Shelly, Napier, Rivers Discovering the Internet 2010
Course Technology, Cengage Learning, Boston, Massachusetts
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