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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Learn Before You Browse

There is so much to know before you start surfing the internet.  Your web browser is full of little gadgets to aid you in your adventure.  Taking the time to learn some of the functionality will help in making your browsing experience more enjoyable.

But don’t be fooled.  You will never learn everything there is to know in one sitting.  One reason is because there is so much to learn.  Second reason is because there are always new features added.  When I upgraded to IE8 (Internet Explorer 8), I couldn’t get the hang of having multiple web sites opened in one browser.  Now I don’t know what I do without it especially during this class.  How many times do we need to jump from ESC to Symbaloo to a new tab to do research?

Of course I learned something new from our textbook.  I never bothered to read the page when you open a new tab.  There is actually some valuable information on there about your recent activity.  Being the grayish, dull color, I never took the time to look at it.

Everything about your web browser can be customized to fit your needs.  You can customize your toolbar, add your favorites or view your history.  This is especially important if you have children that use the internet and are not savvy enough to know that the sites are tracked. 

Of course, with the good comes the bad.  One must be aware and take precautions against hackers and/or viruses.  One also needs to be a smart shopper if taking advantage of the convenience of online shopping.  Most important thing to remember is to make sure you are using a secured site if making purchases using a credit card.

To better prepare yourself and protect your privacy and computer, Microsoft gives some safety guidelines to follow when online.  Although I was aware of the frauds that Microsoft detailed, it was definitely a good read to reinforce the safety required.  It’s also a good idea to review with the rest of the family. 

Are you going to take the time to protect yourself before browsing?  Or do you think you are not susceptible?  You have another coming if you think you are.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to upgrade my IE.. thanks for sharing... However, my main browser I use is Firefox, and I don't know how, i ended up with Yahoo tool bar the other day.( i think from my daughter..haha) anyway, it turned out to be a good thing.( I found that the Yahoo tool bar lets you add apps to the tool instead of having list or large names written across your tool bar you have small icon apps. much neater and efficient.
